Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Group talk part 1: Underwear

So apparently we are supposed to be writing some blogs on random subjects which we picked out last night. First off I'm talking about underwear. Kieran decided that underwear would make a fine topic of discussion, presumably because he loves nothing more than admiring himself in nothing but them (sorry for the mental image).

Anyway pants, hmm, oh yeah I'm gonna call them pants from now on because it's easier to type and that is what I call them. Interesting that while alot of people call underwear pants, some people call trousers pants, must make for some awkward moments at parties. I wonder who decided it was time to invent pants? Clearly someone had the thought "hmm my trousers are getting rather stained on the inside, I need to get some rags to cover myself up so this doesn't happen." They aren't the most pleasant topic of discussion and most people rarely acknowledge their existence.

The major function of modern pants is simply to prevent staining, clearly when one shits themselves and is wearing pants they must think "oh darn I have soiled myself, good thing I am wearing pants or I might look rather foolish!" On an amusing note, pants can actually have religious significance for some people, apparently the vessel containing ones own...vessels is of great importance to God. "And on the 9th day he created pants so that the sacred waste produced by all of his children could be worshipped" or something like that.

Blashphemy aside I think that pants are a socialy amusing subject from skidmarks to "one pair lasting 5 days" Try and guess all 5! But they can also be erotic for some people, seeing a pair of knickers on the ground can make some men very excited "cor look at those, think of what they have been through, wouldn't mind a sniff of them" ewww.

Bra's are another story. A bra can be rather enticing for men usually because we want to take them off as quickly as possible, especially if we are the ones wearing them. The sight of thongs can be very sexy even if the idea dosen't apeal to both sexes (another mental image of Kieran...*shudder*)

Finally I will end my ramble with a couple of thoughts, first is that while pants are an "essential" part of life, talking about them is really slightly creepy. The second thought is more of a common occurence at my house in the last few years, Naked housemates on "pants runs" to get their y-fronts on the clothes horse, has nobody heard of boxers?


At 12:47 PM, Blogger Mr K said...

Briefs, please, and I'm hardly naked- theres a whole towel protecting my dignity. I find boxers a little annoying but thats a discussion for another day. I'm a little disturbed how much this post mentions me in reduced state of wear.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Alice said...

I am really quite weirded out about this topic of conversation... however, i really don't find it that surprising or difficult to imagine you talking about this... Women get much more exciting underwear... so there..tsk! :o)


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