Thursday, June 28, 2007

Group talk part 2: Shoes

Yep today it's all about shoes. Shoes are a funny thing really, few people wear them at all unless they are going out. They aren't very comfortable, they're expensive and they tend to stink (or at least mine do anyway). But for some reason some people, especially female people, seem to buy more than could possibly be needed. I have worn the same pair of shoes for nine years and have only recently needed to replace them. But some people see the need to buy new shoes for every outfit, wear them once and never again. Madness.

To me, shoes are more of a tool than an item of clothing, only really needed to prevent your feet from bleeding while out and about or to perform some sort of task such as kicking balls or arse. Since when did tools become fashion items. I can imagine models on the cat walk wearing hammers and screwdrivers and people saying "hmm I love it!" because some people are mad.

People are expected to take their shoes off in someones home, so surely these "tools" are more of an outdoor necessity than an actual item of clothing. It always bugs me when I have to buy shoes, mostly because I hate trying to find shoes that fit. Clothes tend to be either slightly too big or slightly too small with no side effects what so ever. But shoes must be near perfectly attuned to my feet or they just make my feet raw. I only ever wear shoes while walking or driving, at no other point in my life would I think that my life needs more shoes. So why do some people seem to need more shoes then I have pants? Next time it's all about mud, which sticks to your shoes, hmm I can see how these things might be related.


At 4:08 PM, Blogger Mr K said...

Thats only because you have one pair of pants.


At 3:51 AM, Blogger Alice said...

Well you do need shoes on indoors (or at least slippers) if the floor is covered in things that stick to your feet... that drives me MAD!!! i don't want someones dinner stuck to my feet, or my socks... Thankfully I have now mopped the kitchen floor... problem solved... :o)


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