Friday, June 29, 2007

Group talk part 3: Mud

"Take off your shoes, you'll trek mud through the house!" A common phrase uttered by mothers and wives the world over. But why is mud seen as such a bad thing? From mud comes cement, a worthwhile creation as more than likely the place your are reading this has some form of cement, and hence mud, holding it up.

There is also the fact that mud can solidify and preserve things such as fossils. Fossils have helped us determine the age of life on Earth, the progress of evolution and of course providing further evidence against the "creation" of life myth. Clearly the world and all the universe was made by some mad old geezer with little else to do but play a large game of Sims.

Mud also gives us things like clay, ceramics and plaster not to mention the fact that some animals like pigs, elephants and hippos love the stuff. Mud is good for us too, it provides us with some simple bacteria to help our immune system to develop when we are young .

So finally, I must say that mud is a fantastic thing and the thought of it being forced out of the house like some sort of intruder into the home, seems a little harsh. Now I will leave you with the knowledge that next time I will be blogging on my contribution to these group blogs: the pub conversation, which these last few blogs might feel right at home in. Also I will leave you with the best use for mud: Female mud wrestling...


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